Sebastian F. Dzekashu obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy (B. Phil) from Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, Nigeria, graduated with a post graduate diploma from the National School of Administration and Magistracy (NSAM) in Yaounde and specialized in Taxation. Professional Experience: Audit Inspector in the Provincial Inspectorate of Taxation, Douala. Divisional Inspector of taxes for Fako Divisional ad Deputy Provincial Inspector of Taxes for the South West Province. Deputy Provincial Inspector of Taxes North West Province in Bamenda. National Internal Audit Inspector of Taxes North West Province Bamenda. National Internal Audit Inspector, Yaounde. Sub-Director in charge of the National Brigade for Internal Audit of Tax Service. Sub-Director in charge of the National Brigade for Control and Audit of Enterprises. Deputy Director of Taxes in charge of Tax Assessment, Tax Statistics and Computer Services. Creation of Tax Management Consultants..