Board of Directors, Cameroon

George A. NGWA

George A. NGWA  is a journalist, university lecturer and U.N. diplomat. He holds a PhD in Journalism (Illinois) and a Masters in Public and International Affairs (MPIA).

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Sendze Francis Cha

Sendze Francis Cha  is President of Catholic Mission Bota Church Committee. He worked as an executive with the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC). Mr Sendze obtained a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Business

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Mainemo Mariana Sendze eps Fondzenyuy 

Mainemo Mariana Sendze eps Fondzenyuy  has a Bachelor’s degree and post graduate diploma in Geography from the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon with 32 years of teaching experience in different Government

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Fondzeyuf Aloysia Takeh

Fondzeyuf Aloysia Takeh  obtained a “Licence” (Bachelor’s Degree) in Modern letter (English) from the University of Yaounde, C.A.P.E.S from ENS Yaounde and M.Ed from the University of Machester – England.

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Sebastian F. Dzekashu

Sebastian F. Dzekashu  obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy (B. Phil) from Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, Nigeria, graduated with a post graduate diploma from the National School of Administration and

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Langha nee Tumasang Judith Ngum

Langha nee Tumasang Judith Ngum holds of the higher teachers Diploma from Ecole Normale Superieur in Cameroon. Teacher of Chemistry, Biology and Human biology for 26 years. She is presently

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John Lukong Fondzenyuy

John Lukong Fondzenyuy, holds a Bachelor (BSc) in Statistics from Makerere University Kampala Uganda, Diploma in Demography at the Cairo Demographic Centre Egypt and did Masters Degree in Demography at

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Vivian Verla Ndze ep. Mbaki 

Vivian Verla Ndze ep. Mbaki  holds a Bachelor Degree in Law at Yaounde University with a Diploma in Magistracy at Ecole Nationale de L’Administration et de la Magistrature (ENAM) Yaounde.

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Rev. Zephyrinus Yem Mbuh

Rev. Zephyrinus Yem Mbuh  is a Roman Catholic Priest of the Diocese of Kumbo in Cameroon. He was ordained on the 12th of April 1996 in St. Theresia’s Cathedral Kumbo

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